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SMART Systems
SKY's SMART systems architecture is the industry's first embedded systems architecture that is based
on proven, open standards, and designed to provide advanced features required by today's embedded systems
users. It is optimized for data-intensive signal and image processing applications and structured to
allow developers to quickly and easily implement applications.
The SMART systems architecture is developed around open, standard technologies such as Linux,
InfiniBand™, MPI, VSIPL and Corba. Through the support of well-know development tools and
libraries, customers can reduce development time and shorten time-to-deployment. This approach also
provides customers the flexibility to operate within a heterogeneous computing environment.
Additionally, this architecture is designed to deliver the advanced functionality required in
today's demanding embedded computing environments. The architecture is intelligent enough to
dynamically adapt to changes caused by failures or resource additions, secure enough to guarantee
data communications integrity, manageable enough to insure a tight relationship between the system
and the application or operator.
SKY's SMART systems architecture is an advanced standards-based architecture that delivers the
highest levels of reliability, availability, scalability and resilience required to deploy
mission-critical applications into embedded environments.
SMARTpac Systems Family: Performance Meets Resiliency
The SMARTpac 600 and the
SMARTpac 1200 are designed as complementary systems.
The SMARTpac 600 is an ideal solution for processing an application's front-end data
acquisition needs, while the SMARTpac 1200 provides the back-end computational horsepower
for computationally intensive signal processing and image analysis. The 19" rack
mountable SMARTpac systems utilize the InfiniBand™ interconnect throughout the
system yielding high bandwidth, low latency and secure data communications.
Related links:
High Performance Embedded Servers
Military & Defense Application Brief
Industrial Inspection Application Brief
SKY's Health Maintenance Strategy
InfiniBand Fabric
Download: SMART Systems Product Brief
Real Time Linux
Building HPEC Systems for Performance and Fault Resiliency with InfiniBand
High Application Availability