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Accelerates Software Development
SKYvec tools make the
programming challenge easier. Standards-based, flexible, and scalable
facilities result in faster application development and validation. A
sophisticated event analyzer enables multi-process performance
monitoring and analysis. Standard
Math Library (SML), and Vector Signal, and
Image Processing (VSIPL) library provide easy-to-use,
high-level vector functions that are architecture independent. The full
implementation of industry standards, innovative tools, and guaranteed
portability are the result of SKY's pioneering excellence in software.

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Accelerating Software Development
The SKYvec software
development tools simplify code development for large multiprocessor
systems by automating many of the processes which otherwise would have
to be designed or managed by the programmer. SKYvec eliminates the need
for complex and costly software migration and extensive training
classes by making development easier than ever before. Depending upon
the complexity of the application the software development effort can
be reduced 30-50% using the standard SKYvec API. And future technology
insertions will only require a simple recompile and run, virtually
eliminating recoding efforts. Imagine the impact on software efforts
across the lifecycle of your program and the financial payback that
will be realized.
The SKYvec Software
Development Environment is a robust toolkit including OS, compilers,
vector/image processing and math libraries, and unique facilities such
as event analyzers and debuggers that provide high performance,
portability and ease of use. Building on industry standards, SKY has
pioneered the use of intelligent compilers and libraries that stripmine
and vectorize application code to automatically optimize performance.
SKYvec chains across vector
functions, optimizing between functions, not just inside of them. This
applies to hand-vectorized code as well as to scalar C code, optimizing
and vectorizing globally, not just locally for each function. The
result is that the application code takes maximum advantage of the
hardware architecture and runs at the highest level of efficiency and
performance available with little or no hand coding.
SKY Computers has reduced the
learning curve and the time to develop application code by simplifying
and automating low-level optimizations and tasks. SKYvec provides a
suite of development tools that simplify the programming effort without
compromising performance. Sophisticated porting and development tools
virtually eliminate complex tasks and training. Thunderbolt systems
make full use of SKYvec including intelligent compiler technology that
automatically optimizes and vectorizes application code. The SKY Standard Math Library
contains hundreds of math, image, and signal processing functions. SKY/VSIPL simplifies
multiprocessor development and ensures portability across platforms.
The TimeTrac™ Multiprocessor
Event Analyzer provides insight into the dynamic interactions between
processors for multiprocessor optimization and debugging. With full MPI support,
the complexity of multiprocessor implementation is reduced. SKY
provides portability while simplifying the complexities of creating
high performance multiprocessor code.
Related Links:
Event Analyzer
Math Library