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Example 4 -- Interactions

This example uses a main thread to start the other threads, a group of compute threads, and a output thread (vsum) to simulate an application. There is no I/O involved here; the vinput generates an input internally, vsum is assumed to be the output. In the example, we cover the following TimeTrac functions:

  1. TimeTrac Output -- Initial screen, Multiple Threads with Multiple Events.

  2. TimeTrac Output -- Delayed Operations, Linux Scheduling.

  3. TimeTrac Output -- Improved Scheduling.

  4. Source code -- interactions

  5. Interactions Summary


TimeTrac Output - Initial Screen, Multiple Threads with Multiple Events

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If we run this program, it will create several files with the .trc. extension. If we then run TimeTrac in that same directory, we will see a display similar to that below. In this case we have a main thread, multiple compute threads and an output thread (vsum) each with multiple events instrumented, The vsum thread must wait for the completion of the Compute threads before starting. In this example, the main thread manages that synchronization.
Interactions example
By clicking on "00_main/b.Compute" we get 19.1 microseconds (in the Range Event box). Then clicking on "00_main/c.Sum," we get 9.1 microseconds (in the Range Event box). These times are greater than what we expected and we should look further.

TimeTrac Output -- Delayed Operation, Linux Scheduling

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If, for example, we expand the area around the 6 second mark, we notice that there is considerable "dead time" between the 05_Sum/vsum end and the beginning of the next compute cycle (00_Main/b.Compute).
Interactions Screenshot
In a similar manner, there is additional "dead time" between the last compute operation and the beginning of the next summation cycle, 05_Sum/vsum begin (see below).
Interactions output

Timetrac Output -- Improved Scheduling

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By inspecting the source code, we notice that we have usleep function calls in the general area of these dead times. We change these to sched_yield calls (see the Makefile, turn on -DBETTER), as follows
            #ifdef BETTER
sched_yield ();
usleep (100);
then recompile and rerun the application. We then get 12.6 microseconds (in the Range Event box for "00_main/b.Compute") and 3.0 microseconds (in the Range Event box for "00_main/c.Sum"). These times are much better than before.
TimeTrac Screenshot
Expanding up the region around the 6 second mark for a closer inspection,
TimeTrac Screenshot
we notice that the "dead times" are now gone. The usleep system call was needlessly consuming cycles and causing the observed dead time. Had we not observed this above, we would not have realized that we could easily easily boost the applications performance.

Source Code

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Module TimeTrac Functions
in_main.c All calls -- TimeTrac User Guide
in_compute.c All calls -- TimeTrac User Guide
in_sum.c All calls -- TimeTrac User Guide
ex_alloc.c No TimeTrac calls
ex_math.c No TimeTrac calls
ex_misc.c No TimeTrac calls
sky_ex_inc.h See time_trac.h
in_tcb.h No TimeTrac calls

Interactions Summary

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In this application with multiple threads interacting with each other, TimeTrac visually demonstrates:

  • The first 500 program iterations.
  • That the general program flow is as intended.
  • Detection of dead time causing a performance degradation.
  • How simply changing from one system call to another call can dramatically improve performance..

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